Sep 01 2023

Asif & Diya

We are getting married

Sep 01 2023

Asif & Diya

We are getting married

Our Story

Once upon a time, in the virtual game, a serendipitous encounter changed the lives of two individuals forever. It was around 10 o'clock at night when our paths intertwined during a training mode session. Little did we know that this virtual realm would be the catalyst for a remarkable love story.

As we played together, our camaraderie flourished, and conversations flowed effortlessly. We laughed, strategized, and shared glimpses of our lives beyond the game. It was during these moments that I discovered the enchantment within her voice— a melody so captivating, it echoed in my heart.
As the days turned into weeks, we continued playing together, I found myself drawn to her genuine kindness, her witty humor, and her unwavering support. Our conversations ventured beyond the game, delving into our dreams, passions, and aspirations. However, despite our growing bond, there was an undeniable physical distance that separated us. We resided in different cities, miles apart. Yet, love knows no bounds and conquers all obstacles. Patience became our ally as we eagerly awaited the moment fate would bring us together.

After a year and a half of anticipation, the day finally arrived—September 1, 2022. As our eyes met for the first time, as she was running towards me, her steps made the surroundings radiated with newfound greenery. The world around us transformed. The mundane streets blossomed with vibrant flowers, birds serenaded us with their songs, In that magical moment, as she sprinted towards me, everything else faded away. The only thing that existed was the ethereal beauty and innocence embodied in her. We closed the distance between us, and with open arms, we embraced in the middle of that enchanted road, the encounter was so energetic that it could've cracked space time in half. It was a moment that transcended time, etching itself into the tapestry of our love story. Our lives became intertwined. We embarked on a journey filled with adventure, laughter, and unwavering love that following day.
She remains, to this day, the most beautiful girl on the face of our planet, not only in appearance but also in the warmth of her heart❤️ .


Sep 1, 2023


The Sierra Resort 14
Pacific Grove Monterey, Bucharest. Romania

Ring Ceremony

Sep 21, 2023


The Sierra Resort 14
Pacific Grove Monterey,Bucharest. Romania


Sep 1 2023

08:00PM- Until it ends

The Sierra Resort 14
Pacific Grove Monterey, Bucharest. Romania


The Best Gift

Will be your presence


Will you be joining us ?

"God tests his favorite creations with the hardest battles."

True love cannot be given like piece of cake it must it must be own through hard work only, That's when love will be appritiated the most.
When you got anything too easily then it simply doesn't hold much value. Battles must've been fought in order to attain things you Love. Amen